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All for One Faces

Hinter dem Erfolg von All for One stehen Menschen mit ihren ganz individuellen Geschichten. In unserem Instagram-Format „All for One Faces“ lernst du die Mitarbeitenden kennen, die unsere Unternehmenskultur prägen. Ihre Gesichter zeigen, wer hinter den innovativen Lösungen steht, und ihre Geschichten erzählen von Herausforderungen, Zielen und Erfolgen. Denn es sind diese Menschen, die unser Unternehmen lebendig machen. Lerne die Gesichter kennen, die All for One zu dem machen, was es ist.
Ahmed Aynur I have been working as a Payroll Specialist in the Payroll Team at All For One for almost 4 months now. My responsibilities include managing all processes related to payroll for employees and conducting monthly salary and cost calculations. media alt text Geray I´ve been working for the Applications and Extensions Cluster as an ABAP Developer for over 7 years. In our team we are responsible for customer tickets and different SAP projects. I mostly work on our ticket system, and help our customers solve SAP related development problems...Click to read more on instagram
media alt text Semih I joined All for One 8 months ago as the Legal Counsel for Turkey & Egypt locations, as part of the Legal & Integrity Team. I am responsible for Legal and Corporate tasks for Turkey and Egypt, and also currently doing compliance and other integrity duties such as questionnaire....Click to read more on instagram media alt text Anne I started at All for On Group SE in October last year as Teamlead Financial Accounting and am therefore part of the Business Partner Corporate Finance.
media alt text Chrissy I’m the management assistant for the All for One Customer Experience Unit and also one of the location assistants of our Vienna Office. I’ve been working for All for One since July 2022, after many years of working in the tourism more on our Instagram media alt text Nikolaij I began my journey at the All for One Group over 2 years ago as a Senior Manager in the Customer Experience Team. Before that I earned my phd degree in Marketing and Sales with a focus on Business Psychology.

Was ich an All for One am meisten schätze, ist der außergewöhnliche Teamgeist und die Offenheit in der Kommunikation.


Senior Key Account Manager

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Wir freuen uns über die Auszeichnung als Kununu Top Company 2025! Sie spiegelt die positiven Erfahrungen unserer Mitarbeitenden wider und zeigt, dass unsere Unternehmenskultur auf echter Wertschätzung basiert. Erfahre auf kununu, was uns als Arbeitgeber besonders macht.

Dein Ansprechpartner

Jens Richter Senior Director Talent Acquisition
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